
The showground has both indoor and outdoor stalls for visitors to meander through. The organisers try to ensure a good mix of activities, crafts, gifts and interests, from both local and national companies, and also invite some local charities to raise public awareness or engage new members or volunteers. We hope you enjoy the new stalls this year, along with some of the long standing supporters.

Interested in having a stall at the next show on Bank Holiday Monday, 25th August 2025?
Enquire below.

This year’s stalls TBC

Stalls are being confirmed all the time. The 2024 show stallholders are below



Stall enquiries

If you would like a stall at the 2025 show, please contact us here.

Acceptance of your stall is also subject to suitability checks, completion of a booking form and agreement to our terms and conditions.

  • Stalls selling food and drink, or offering entertainment are charged at 15% of takings on the day (with a minimum charge of £40)
  • Other stalls are £40 each.
  • Charitable organisations and non-profits may be offered a stall at no cost, on a first-come, first-served basis providing they are not a duplicate of any show stalls already agreed.